Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Shahid Husain School of Thought !!!

Before talking about this school of thought, let me tell you something about this great personality. Mr Shahid Husain comes from a very noble family of Hyderabad and something that he holds in great dignity is the fact that he worked for the last crown prince of the legendary Nizams, Prince Mukarram jah Bahadur. He had the “Power of Attorney” to act on behalf of the prince in his absence and he was much more than just being a Personal Assistant to the prince. He also claims to have had the keys of the majestic Falaqnuma Palace at Hyderabad. Presently, he holds many important posts in various Non-Profit Organizations including the post of Vice-President, Aligarh Club (AMU Alumni Association).

By now, I hope you must have figured out what all he might have seen. Yes, he has experienced great power in his hands and which is very intoxicating in its own way. He loves to give commands and anybody would take it from him, with the kind of personality he is. Tall built, polite manners, a high taste of life, command over English and Urdu languages, passion for cars, horses, books, pens and cigarette lighters and a voice that could be very gentle and at times, could go on to become a thunder. This is what describes him very briefly. Besides, he is very good extemporary speaker. Usually, he talks using very crisp language but when in a jolly mood, you would find him citing anecdotes from his life, quoting great, renowned poets and garnishing it all with matchless humour. He is too fond of using idioms and analogies in his conversation. To sum up, he never lets his listeners get bored. Rather, he keeps them busy thinking, engaged and mesmerized.

If my description of Mr. Shahid Husain helps you get his picture, then I guess you have already arrived at the "Shahid Husain School of Thought". You are most welcome here.
And...Ifff...You haven’t and are still thinking...then, Bon Voyage!!!...because I am still not as articulate as Mr. Shahid Husain.


At July 24, 2005 3:57 PM, Blogger riz said...

How'z the school of thought going?
I guess its still bright and burning all the while, but hmm..
something tells me your working more with the other great school of thought nowadays?The Tariq Sultan school....
Or is it just a feeling?

At July 24, 2005 10:14 PM, Blogger Qais Mujeeb said...

Oh yeah !!!!
The school of thoughts are still aliv and kicking... Shahid school of thought is too tough to be replaced but let's see... Tariq Sultan school is one anybody could easily carry in Old age...

At March 10, 2009 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi qais bhai this is kashif, good work brother...

At June 23, 2014 1:59 PM, Blogger Haseeb said...

Very articulately put.


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